Friday, February 09, 2007

It's here! It's here!!

Wow... can't believe I finally got my website up! It's only taken, oh... months upon months. I've had to rely on my flickr stream to show people my style and my portfolio. I've felt so unprofessional and lacking because of it. How could I be serious about something like this, trying transition from hobbyist to professional, without web presence? I mean, I don't even patronize companies without websites!

So, it's simple. It's clean. It may still be a bit buggy... what can I say? I'm more focused on my pictures these days than learning more about html, css, and proper cross-platform standards. (Which are, seriously, a pain in the a**. Now I am more sure than ever that I'm not interested in web design. It would take lifetimes to figure all that stuff out.) But it's up for your viewing pleasure. And all my info (should you need to contact me) is all in one handy-dandy little place! Tell your friends!

deann b. photography

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