Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
I love:
Old music, New music, Soft textiles, Experience,
Rain, Thunderstorms, Grapefruit perfume, House parties,
The ocean, Big cities, History, Herstory,
Old Victorian houses, Small Houses,
A little weathered house, Small children,
Animals, The desert at sunrise, Road trips, Mix tapes,
The thought of owning an artist’s loft,
The thought of owning a farm,
Books, Interior design, A greener shade of blue,
Openness, Haircuts, Well-groomed eyebrows,
Honing my craft, Hardwood floors, Saltillo Tile,
Memories, Strong coffee, Cultural differences,
Pottery, Microbrews, Hook & Ladder Gewurtztaminer,
Confidence, Down comforters, Spring, Fall,
Photography, Spare time, The internet,
Connectivity, Bare feet, Ferns, Overcast mornings,
Peeling paint, Cheesecake, Farmers markets,
The Pacific Northwest, Dreams, Wine labels,
Wisdom, Girls’ night out, Solitude, A room of my own,
Magazines, Change, Light, Airports, Making a difference,
Small businesses, Foreign Languages, Opportunity,
Deann B.
8/13/2007 02:02:00 PM
1 Somethin' to say?
Sunday, August 12, 2007
And Baby Makes Three
I haven't posted in a bit... for all you know, I'm still somewhere in the wilds of Wyoming... or Colorado. (I think that's where I left off, anyway.) Well, I'm definitely back home and hope to soon catch up on posting. I've been busy reconnecting with old friends and shooting lots of photos, so I definitely have lots of fun stuff going on right now.
First up is a session I was really excited to do. I asked a few friends last spring if they would be interested in helping me build my portfolio. Thom and his wife, Jen, wrote back and said they were interested, but I'd have to wait. You see, they found out Jen was pregnant with their first child and is due in early September. Being that they wrote me in early spring, I knew it would be hard to wait so many months.
Besides being all-around cool people, I've known Thom since my high school days. He used to run in the same crowd as me and knew a lot of the same people. We lost touch after high school until the wonders of MySpace put us back in touch. It's been really great getting to know him and Jenn again and ended up spending the first half of the shoot reminiscing about the "old days." I had so much fun in this session - Thom and Jenn are so at ease in front of the camera and their sweet affection is so genuine. I only hope I am able to translate some of that into photos! So, without further ado, here's a sneak peak at some of the photos from the Hofman session...
And because everyone has a favorite taco shop... (At least in SoCal)
Thanks again for the hospitality guys - dinner was fantastic!
Deann B.
8/12/2007 11:19:00 PM
Somethin' to say?
Monday, August 06, 2007
Clearly, I lean to the west....
create your own personalized map of the USA
or check out ourCalifornia travel guide
Most of my travel within the US consists of places that can be reached by car in a day or two. Administrative assistants don't have many perks with their jobs, including month-long vacations. So, a week at a time, once or twice a year, finds me in the car and tooling up some highway, driving as far as I can in a few days. I have to keep in mind that I eventually have to drive back, so I try not to get too carried away by my sense of adventure on the open road.
I guess I need to start racking up the frequent flyer miles if I'm ever going to see the rest of this place.
Deann B.
8/06/2007 12:18:00 PM
Somethin' to say?
Friday, July 27, 2007
DB's Big Adventure - Day 3
Day 3 dawned shiny and new, mostly because there was a Starbucks within walking distance of our motel. Mike swears Marisa and I can sniff out a Starbucks from 50 miles away. I just know how wonderful it is to have coffee-flavored caffeine flowing through my veins. On long trips, some people count license plates... I find Starbucks.
Since we were here for a family reunion, the first night at the Y we had reserved a fire pit for a family campfire. Since I'm a newbie and didn't really know anyone, I became self-designated photographer. No one really seemed to mind.
His forehead got hot while roasting the "mallows"
Deann B.
7/27/2007 11:32:00 AM
1 Somethin' to say?
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
DB's Big Adventure - Day 2
My brother and his wife are the ultimate hosts. Not only did they feed us, loan us fluffy towels, and take us to Cabela's* (the ultimate redneck's paradise), they also gave their toddler a foam sword to whap us with whenever she pleased. Is that heaven, or what?
* Cabela's was pretty noteworthy in it's monstrous size, scope of hunting/fishing/outdoor gear, and the amount of dead, taxidermied animals that one store could house. It was both awesome and depressing.
Caitlin has more energy than an ant colony in full swing. This is one of the few I got where she was sitting still... without being bribed by Cheetos.
Since there was so much driving involved, there was a lot of scenery to contemplate.
See? It doesn't take much rain to make me smile....
This place would have been a lot more fun if it were, maybe... open?
The Victory Theater. I love the girl pulling her brother along to try and get out of the picture.
Deann B.
7/25/2007 10:04:00 PM
1 Somethin' to say?
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
DB's Big Adventure
Otherwise known as "Making it to Utah and not being struck down by lightning on my first night there."
We left Temecula on Saturday morning... errr, afternoon, about 4 hours later than we had planned. Since none of us had packed until that morning, we were destined to be stressed out and running around like crazy, throwing things into suitcases all willy-nilly. It's just how I roll, y'know? Anyway, we only had to go back to the house for forgotten items on 3 separate occasions. Not bad, the way I see it.
Mountainous Utah
My niece and SIL - very unconcerned at the prospect of providing refuge to the dangerous heathens
Deann B.
7/24/2007 11:22:00 PM
Somethin' to say?
Monday, July 23, 2007
So in love...
with this portrait:
I just really couldn't help myself and had to post this one, though.
Deann B.
7/23/2007 11:44:00 PM
Somethin' to say?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
One of my favorite traditions on the 4th of July...
... the other is fireworks, but it's a little early to be posting pictures of those.
Happy 4th of July!
Deann B.
7/04/2007 01:14:00 PM
Somethin' to say?
Monday, July 02, 2007
Luna luna lunita lunera
I'm a bit behind. You see, when I shoot a lot at one time, I tend to prioritize only by which ones are needed first... or which ones I'll get in trouble over if I procrastinate on. It's not a very good system and my personal pictures suffer as well as the ones for my friends when we're goofing off. How odd is it that the photographer of the group is the worst when it comes to "developing" the pictures of the latest get-together? {sigh} Blame it on my sign, my lack of organization, genetics... it is what it is. However, since I haven't shot much as of late (been working on the latest website update) my procrastination means that I still have something new to share. :)
That something new is the newest addition to my extended family - in a word, I'm a brand-new fairy dogmother to Luna, the new frenchie pup of one of my best friends. In May I took a trip up to see her and got to spend a couple of days documenting one of the worlds cutest dogs:
How can you not help but pick her up and give a little squeeze?
Mom! You crack me up with your funny faces!
Love the loose lip....
As much of a profile as you get with a smashed-in nose
We even got some family shots in:
C'mon guys! Get a room!
If I give you the puppy eyes, will you let me in?
The fabulous Luna! Performing in a town near you!
I think this one is my fave. I love the colors and her expression.
Sit Luna!
Frenchie butt:
Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!
Deann B.
7/02/2007 12:20:00 AM
Somethin' to say?